19 may 2011

Ultimo Tweet de Gaga + foto exclusiva de gaga en 'Saturday Night Live'

traduccion: No se pongan celosas chicas. Me reí tanto, hoy he llorado #TimberGagaSNLFinale

“La portada de ‘Born This Way’ es una metáfora para el real tú y la magia que hay dentro de ti” cuenta Gaga en nueva entrevista

gagaview  “La portada de ‘Born This Way’ es una metáfora para el real tú y la magia que hay dentro de ti” cuenta Gaga en nueva entrevista
Lady Gaga fue entrevistada por Extra, donde respondió interesantes preguntas sobre las canciones de su nuevo álbum y sobre diversas canciones.
Para comenzar le preguntaron: “Forbes te acaba de nombrar la celebridad más influyente, superando a Oprah Winfrey ¿Cómo te sientes por eso?”-  ”Es muy bueno, Oprah es mucho más importante e influyente que yo, estoy muy agradecida de haberla podido conocer incluso.”-  ”¿Te alegra escuchar éste tipo de noticias?” –  Bueno, lo que más me importa es como se sientan mis fans sobre mi trabajo en mi música, pero siempre es bueno recibir complementos así.”
Habló luego sobre su performance en Saturday Night Live, contándonos que hará un sketch con Justin Timberlake, pero no confirmó que realmente cantará con él. Recordemos que SNL es un programa donde usualmente se hacen este tipo de cosas, tal como Gaga lo hizo con Madonna.
Prosiguió hablando sobre su álbum y el gran proceso de escribirlo: “Estaba muy inspirada por los fans en el show, por la energía del Monster Ball y de lo libres que éramos, y estaba muy emocionada por el futuro y por ser joven y feliz. Bueno lo que más me gusta del Monster Ball es que la gente vine sola, y sale con amigos. Fue una enorme inspiración para mí cuando hice el álbum, escribí las letras, las melodías, escribí todo el álbum yo misma con mis amigos, mis productores: Fernando, RedOne y DJ White Shadow. Bueno, el álbum se filtró en internet y ver las reacciones de los fans, y ver cuánto aman el nuevo material, y lo abiertos que han sido para dejarme hacer mi música, cambiando vidas.”
Born This Way es sobre vivir a mitad de camino entre la realidad y la fantasía, como la portada del álbum: mitad mujer y mitad motocicleta. La fusión entre realidad y fantasía, entre metal y piel, la mujer real, con la magia en su interior. Y la metáfora diciendo, el real tú y la magia que hay dentro de ti. La magia no es artificial, es real. “
“Cuando dices Nebraska en Yoü & I, ¿es para alguien?”.- “No lo sé”- responde Gaga- “tendrás que escuchar la canción”, responde Gaga un cuánto avergonzada.
“¿A dónde van todos tus outfits cuando ya fueron usados?” – “Van a G.O.A.T., ese lugar en el que estuve para el video de “Born This Way”.
“¿Qué me dices sobre el video de “Judas”?” – El video es una metáfora, y en el final del video.. no me gusta explicar lo que hago, pero lo haré para dejártelo claro. En el video, lo que pasa al final, es que intento proteger, y siento el peso de la traición de Judas y yo soy María Magdalena. Y busqué mucho para hacer una gran frase de perdón, y cuando Judas está por besar a Jesús, que es cuando lo traiciona. En el video me debato entre la divinidad de la mujer que sirve a Jesús, en la biblia María Magdalena ama a Jesús. Pero digo que sigo enamorada de Judas por dos cosas: por mis ex novios y porque soy María Magdalena que está enamorada de Judas sabiendo que el era el traicionero, a pesar de estar destinado a hacer eso.”
Puedes ver la entrevista aquí:


T4 transmitirá nueva entrevista a Lady Gaga

Este sábado 21 de mayo, el programa T4 emitirá por televisión una entrevista exclusiva con Lady Gaga grabada la semana pasada en Londres. En este video podrás ver un adelanto de ella:

Lady Gaga y Starbucks en una estrategia publicitaria

La cadena de cafeterías más grande del mundo colaborará con Lady Gaga en la promoción de su nuevo álbum “Born This Way”. Estamos hablando de Starbucks, claro, que organizó una búsqueda del tesoro digital llamada “SRCH”, en la que los fanáticos deberás buscar pistas para ganar montones de premios. Los participantes de este juego deberán escanear un código QR que aparecerá el lunes 23 de mayo en las tiendas de Starbucks que participan o visitando
Además de esto, desde ese lunes Starbucks venderá una versión especial de “Born This Way” y este será reproducido en todas las cafeterías de Estados Unidos por primera vez.
Esta es el video de apertura y supuesta primera pista que grabó Lady Gaga:

"HAIR es una inspiración Mia" : Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga ha confesado que su nuevo single "Hair", que se desprende de su último material discográfico "Born This Way, ha sido inspirado en ella, ya que reveló que su madre esperaba que se durmiera para poder cortarle el pelo, por que a Gaga le gustaba llevarlo muy largo.

La intérprete de "Just Dance" afirmó: "Cuando era joven, mi madre y mi padre solían pedirme que no saliese de casa vestida de cierta manera y que cambiase mi corte de pelo", añadiendo: "Mi madre incluso llegó a cortarme el pelo mientras dormía porque lo tenía larguísimo, me gustaba mucho llevarlo largo como un hippie".

Además, la 'Monster Gaga' ha declarado que cree que "Tu pelo es tu orgullo y mi cabello representa mi identidad, como representa la identidad de muchas personas".

Lady Gaga en la revista Shock

La revista Shock habló con la cantante de pop que ha hecho de su música un discurso de liberación. Estos son apartes de la entrevista que publica en exclusiva hoy la revista.

En sólo cinco años, desde que hizo, todavía pelinegra y sin tanta producción ni pretensión escénica, su primera aparición en un gran festival, el Lollapalooza del 2007 en el Grant Park de Chicago -donde por cierto fue abucheada y fuertemente criticada-, Lady Gaga ha ganado no cientos de miles si no millones de adeptos. Hoy la llamada “Madre Monstruo” es la creadora de seis canciones número uno consecutivas en los listados más importantes del mundo y la responsable de romper el récord del mayor número de vistas de un video en la historia de Youtube (Bad Romance cuenta con casi 375 millones de vistas), la ganadora de varios premios Grammy y Mtv, incluido el de Mejor Álbum Vocal Pop con The Fame Monster, y tiene uno de los espectáculos musicales más impresionantes que ha parido el pop en toda su historia.

Semanas previas al lanzamiento de su nuevo disco, Born This Way, el próximo 23 de mayo, tuvimos un encuentro con ella en un hotel de Miami y también asistimos a una fecha de su Monster Ball Tour en el American Airlines Arena de esa ciudad. Estuvimos ahí para atestiguarlo: más allá del espectáculo, detrás de la artista del momento hay una incitación a una nueva revolución: a que todos los ‘anormales’ del mundo salgan a la calle sin temor y sin pudor.

¿Qué es la identidad para alguien que se transforma y reinventa a la misma velocidad en la que aparecen millones de resultados cuando se busca su nombre en internet?

Identidad es la sensación que tienes de ti mismo. Y no importa cuántas veces te transformes, cuántas mueras y vuelvas a nacer, siempre que sea lo que quieres transmitir con tu mente y con tu cuerpo. Es lo que precisamente hago yo con el Monster Ball Tour. Mientras canto y bailo, busco recordarles a mis seguidores que deben proyectarle al mundo lo que sienten en el corazón, sin ocultarlo o callarlo. Deben sentirse siempre orgullosos de lo que son.

Según usted, ¿sobre qué bases está fundamentada la música pop hoy en día?

Creo que la música pop se encuentra en un momento muy interesante, porque hay una división importante entre los artistas que escriben su propia música y los que no lo hacen. Nos estamos enfrentando a que, cada vez más, los fans han empezado a exigir cosas reales y honestas, verdaderas y que tengan cómo sustentarse. Creo que eso es lo más poderoso en la relación que yo tengo con mis fans. Nuestro vínculo es muy intenso y sincero.

Con sus shows en vivo, con la manera en la que se expresa a través de su vestuario y la puesta en escena, podemos decir que usted nos ha adelantado el futuro en muchos sentidos. Incluso lo ha dicho: “No quiero darles algo de moda a mis fans, quiero entregarles el futuro”. ¿Entonces el mañana qué es?

Creo que cada vez más va a haber menos obsesión de la gente con el futuro, porque en últimas el futuro es el camino. Cuando ves la portada del álbum Born This Way, te encuentras con que hay algo en ella que grita: “Soy una mujer que va corriendo, no de alguien o hacia algo, sino que simplemente está recorriendo un camino. Ése que terminará llevándome hacia mí, hacia el amor propio que debo sentir por lo que soy”.

¿De qué hablan las letras de este nuevo disco?

Hablo sobre la ley de inmigración en Estados Unidos y sobre el matrimonio entre homosexuales. En general, de muchas cosas que tienen que ver con las comunidades marginadas de América.

Fuente: Revista SHOCK

Todas las Letras de Born This Way!

Marry The Night

I'm gonna marry the night 
I won't give up on my life 
I'm a warrior queen 
Live passionately tonight 

I'm gonna marry the dark 
Gonna make love to the stars 
I'm a soldier to my own emptiness 
I'm a winner 

I'm gonna marry the night 
I'm gonna marry the night 
I'm gonna marry the night 

I'm gonna marry the night 
I'm not gonna cry anymore 
I'm gonna marry the night 
Leave nothing on these streets to explore 

Ma-ma-ma-marry, ma-ma-ma-marry, ma-ma-ma-marry the night 
Ma-ma-ma-marry, ma-ma-ma-marry, ma-ma-ma-marry the night 

I'm gonna lace up my boots 
Throw on some leather and cruise 
Down the street that I love 
In my fishnet gloves 
I'm a sinner 

Then I'll go down to the bar 
But I won't cry anymore 
I'll hold my whiskey up high 
Kiss the bartender twice 
I'm a loser 

I'm gonna marry the night 
I'm gonna marry the night 

I'm gonna marry the night 
I'm not gonna cry anymore 
I'm gonna marry the night 
Leave nothing on these streets to explore 

Ma-ma-ma-marry, ma-ma-ma-marry, ma-ma-ma-marry the night 
Ma-ma-ma-marry, ma-ma-ma-marry, ma-ma-ma-marry the night 

Nothing's too cool to take me from you 
New York is not just a tan that you'll never lose 
Love is the new denim or black 
Skeleton guns are wedding bells in the attic 
Get Ginger ready 'cuz her coming up front 
Won't poke holes in the seats with my heels 
'Cuz that's where we make love 

Come on and run 
Turn the car on and run 

I'm gonna marry the night 
I'm gonna burn a hole in the road 
I'm gonna marry the night 
Leave nothing on these streets to explore 

Ma-ma-ma-marry, ma-ma-ma-marry, ma-ma-ma-marry the night 
Ma-ma-ma-marry, ma-ma-ma-marry, ma-ma-ma-marry the night 
Ma-ma-ma-marry, ma-ma-ma-marry, ma-ma-ma-marry the night 

I'm gonna marry, marry 
I'm gonna marry, marry

Born This Way

It doesn't matter if you love him, or capital H-I-M 
Just put your paws up 'cuz you were born this way, baby 

My mama told me when I was young we are all born superstars 
She rolled my hair and put my lipstick on in the glass of her boudoir 
"There's nothing wrong with loving who you are" she said 'cuz he made you perfect babe" 
So hold your head up girl and you'll go far, listen to me when I say 

I'm beautiful in my way 'cuz God makes no mistakes 
I'm on the right track baby, I was born this way 
Don't hide yourself in regret, just love yourself and you're set 
I'm on the right track baby, I was born this way 

Ooh there ain't no other way, baby I was born this way 
Baby I was born this way 
Ooh there ain't no other way, baby I was born this way 
Right track baby I was born this way 

Don't be a drag, just be a queen 
Don't be a drag, just be a queen 
Don't be a drag, just be a queen 
Don't be 

Give yourself prudence and love your friends 
Subway kid, rejoice your truth 
In the religion of the insecure, I must be myself; respect my youth 
A different lover is not a sin, believe capital H-I-M 
I love my life, I love this record and mi amore vole fe yah (same DNA) 

I'm beautiful in my way 'cuz God makes no mistakes 
I'm on the right track baby, I was born this way 
Don't hide yourself in regret, just love yourself and you're set 
I'm on the right track baby, I was born this way 

Ooh there ain't no other way, baby I was born this way 
Baby I was born this way 
Ooh there ain't no other way, baby I was born this way 
I'm on the right track baby I was born this way 

Don't be a drag, just be a queen 
Whether you're broke or evergreen 
You're black, white, beige, chola descent 
You're Lebanese, you're orient 
Whether life's disabilities left you outcast, bullied or teased 
Rejoice and love yourself today 'cuz baby you were born this way 

No matter gay, straight or bi 
Lesbian, transgendered life 
I'm on the right track baby I was born to be brave 

No matter black, white or beige 
Chola or orient made 
I'm on the right track baby I was born to survive 

Ooh there ain't no other way, baby I was born this way 
Baby I was born this way 
Ooh there ain't no other way, baby I was born this way 
I'm on the right track baby I was born this way 

I was born this way, hey 
I was born this way, hey 
I'm on the right track baby, I was born this way 

I was born this way, hey 
I was born this way, hey 
I'm on the right track baby, I was born this way 

Same DNA but born this way 
Same DNA but born this way


Oh oh oh 
I'm in love with Judas (x2) 

Judas Judas Judas Judas 
Judas Judas Judas GAGA! (x2) 

When he comes to me, I am ready 
I’ll wash his feet with my hair if he needs 
Forgive him when his tongue lies through his brain 
Even after three times, he betrays me 

I’ll bring him down, bring him down, down 
A king with no crown, king with no crown 

I’m just a Holy Fool, oh baby he’s so cruel 
But I’m still in love with Judas, baby 
I’m just a Holy Fool, oh baby he’s so cruel 
But I’m still in love with Judas, baby 

Oh oh oh 
I'm in love with Judas (x2) 

Judas Judas Judas Judas 
Judas Judas Judas GAGA! 

I couldn’t love a man so purely 
Even darkness forgave his crooked way 
I’ve learned our love is like a brick 
Build a house or sink a dead body 
I’ll bring him down, bring him down, down 
A king with no crown, king with no crown 

I’m just a Holy Fool, oh baby he’s so cruel 
But I’m still in love with Judas, baby 
I’m just a Holy Fool, oh baby he’s so cruel 
But I’m still in love with Judas, baby 

Oh oh oh 
I'm in love with Judas (x2) 

In the most Biblical sense, 
I am beyond repentance 
Fame hooker, prostitute wench, vomits her mind 
But in the cultural sense 
I just speak in future tense 
Judas kiss me if offenced, 
Or wear an ear condom next time 

I wanna love you, 
But something’s pulling me away from you 
Jesus is my virtue, 
Judas is the demon I cling to 
I cling to 

I’m just a Holy Fool, oh baby he’s so cruel 
But I’m still in love with Judas, baby 
I’m just a Holy Fool, oh baby he’s so cruel 
But I’m still in love with Judas, baby 

Oh oh oh 
I'm in love with Judas (x2) 

Judas Judas Judas Judas 
Judas Judas Judas GAGA!

Government Hooker 

Government hooker eh 

I can be good (if you just wanna be bad) 
I can be cool (if you just wanna be mad) 
I can be anything, I'll be your everything 
Just touch me baby (I don't wanna be sad) 

As long as I'm your hooker (back up and turn around) 
As long as I'm your hooker (hands on the ground) 
As long as I'm your hooker (back up and turn around) 
As long as I'm your hooker (get down) 

Hooker (yeah you're my hooker) 
Hooker (government hooker) 
Hooker (yeah you're my hooker) 
Hooker (government hooker) 

I'm gonna drink my tears tonight 
I'm gonna drink my tears and cry 
'Cuz I know you love me baby 
I know you love me baby 

I could be good (unless you want to be mad) 
I could be sex (unless you want to hold hands) 
I could anything, I could be everything 
I could be mom (unless you want to be dad) 
Aye, mi papito 

As long as I'm your hooker (back up and turn around) 
As long as I'm your hooker (hands on the ground) 
As long as I'm your hooker (back up and turn around) 
As long as I'm your hooker (get down) 

Hooker (yeah you're my hooker) 
Hooker (government hooker) 
Hooker (yeah you're my hooker) 
Hooker (government hooker) 

Put your hands on me, John F. Kennedy 
I'll make you squeal baby as long as you pay me 

I'm gonna drink my tears tonight 
I'm gonna drink my tears and cry 
'Cuz I know you love me baby 
I know you love me baby 

Hooker (yeah you're my hooker) 
Hooker (government hooker) 
Hooker (yeah you're my hooker) 
Hooker (government hooker) 

I could be good (unless you want to be mad) 
I could be sex (unless you want to hold hands) 
I could anything, I could be everything 
I could be mom (unless you want to be dad) 

I want to fuck government hooker (back up and turn around) 
Stop fucking me, government hooker (hands on the ground) 
I want to fuck government hooker (back up and turn around) 
Stop fucking me, government hooker (get down)


I met a girl in east LA in floral shorts as sweet as May 
She sang in eighths and two bodial chords 
We fell in love but not in court 

La la la la la la la, la la la la la la la, la la la la la la la, la la la la la la la la 
La la la la la la la, la la la la la la la, la la la la la la la, la la la la la la la la 

Ooh, America, Americano 
Ooh, America, Americano 

Mis canciones son de la revolución 
Mi córazon me duele por mi generación 

If you love me, we can marry on the west coast 
On a Wednesday en el verano en agosto 

I don't speak your, I don't speak your language, oh no 
I don't speak your (won't speak your), I don't speak your (won't speak your) Jesús Cristo 

Ooh, America, Americano 
Ooh, America, Americano 

I will fight for, I have fought for how I love you 
I have cried for, I will die for how I care 
In the mountains, las campanas están sonando 
Los chicos (chicas), los chicos (chicas) están besando 

I don't speak your, I don't speak your language, oh no 
I don't speak your, I won't speak your Jesús Cristo 
I don't speak your (won't speak your), I don't speak your (won't speak your) Americano 
I don't speak your (wont' speak your), I don't speak your (won't speak your) Jesús Cristo 

Ooh, America, Americano 
Ooh, America, Americano 
Ooh, America, Americano 
Ooh, America, Americano 

Don't you try to catch me, don't you try to catch me, no, no, no, no 
I'm living on the edge of, living on the edge of the law, law, law, law 
Don't you try to catch me, don't you try to catch me 
I'm living on the edge of the law, law, law, law



Whenever I dress cool 
My parents put up a fight (uh-huh uh-huh) 
And if I’m a hotshot 
Mom will cut my hair at night (uh-huh uh-huh) 

In the morning, 
I’m short of my identity (uh-huh uh-huh) 
I scream, “mom and dad, 
Why can’t I be who I wanna be?” (uh-huh (to be) uh-huh) 

I just wanna be myself and 
I want you to love me for who I am 
I just wanna be myself and 
I want you to know I am my hair 

I've had enough 
This is my prayer 
That I'll die living 
Just as free as my hair 

I've had enough 
This is my prayer 
That I'll die living 
Just as free as my hair 

I've had enough 
I'm not a freak 
I'll just keep playing to stay cool on the streets 

I've have enough, enough, enough 
And this is my prayer, I swear 
I'm as free as my hair 
I'm as free as my hair 

I am my hair 
I am my hair 

Free as my hair-air-air-air-air-air-air-air-air-air-air-air-air-air-air 
Free as my hair-air-air-air-air-air-air-air-air-air-air-air-air-air-air 

Sometimes I want some rock'n roll red highlights 
Just because I want my friends to think I'm dynamite (uh-huh uh-huh) 
And on friday, rocks it, highschool dance 
I've got my bangs too hot that I don't stand a chance (uhhhh) 

I just wanna be myself and 
I want you to love me for who I am 
I just wanna be myself and 
I want you to know I am my hair 

I've had enough 
This is my prayer 
That I'll die living 
Just as free as my hair 

I've had enough 
This is my prayer 
That I'll die living 
Just as free as my hair 

I've had enough 
I'm not a freak 
I'll just keep playing to stay cool on the streets 

I've have enough, enough, enough 
And this is my prayer, I swear 
I'm as free as my hair 
I'm as free as my hair 

I am my hair 
I am my hair 

Free as my hair-air-air-air-air-air-air-air-air-air-air-air-air-air-air 
Free as my hair-air-air-air-air-air-air-air-air-air-air-air-air-air-air 

I just wanna be free 
I just wanna be me 
And I wants lots of friends that invite me to their parties 

Don't wanna change 
And I don't wanna be ashamed 
I'm the spirit of my hair 
It's all the glory I can bare 

I'm my hair, my hair 
I'm my hair, my hair 
I'm my hair, my hair 
And it's all the glory I bare 

I'm my hair, my hair 
It's all the glory that I bare 
I'm my hair, my hair 
I'm my hair, yeah! 

All the glory that I bare 
I'm my hair, yeah! 
All the glory that I bare 
I'm my hair, yeah! 
All the glory that I bare 
My hair, yeah yeah! 

I've had enough 
This is my prayer 
That I'll die living 
Just as free as my hair 

I've had enough 
This is my prayer 
That I'll die living 
Just as free as my hair 

I've had enough 
I'm not a freak 
I'll just keep playing to stay cool on the streets 

I've have enough, enough, enough 
And this is my prayer, (this is my prayer) I swear 
I'm as free as my hair 
I'm as free as my hair (this is my prayer) 

I am my hair 
I am my hair 

Hoh-ouh, I'm my hair, my hair 



I don’t speak German, But I can if you’d like. Oh! 

Isch lieben aus tubikler, 
E a kat mi madre monster, 
Alsch bi auschke wie falugen, 
Bigon bi uske mugler. 

I'll take you out tonight, 
Say whatever you like. 
Scheiße-scheiße be mine, 
Scheiße be mine (Scheiße be mine) 

Put on a show tonight, 
Do whatever you like. 
Scheiße-scheiße be mine, 
Scheiße be mine (Scheiße be mine) 

When I'm on a mission 
I rebuke my condition. 
If you're a strong female, 
You don't need permission. 

I, I wish I got to dance on a single prayer. 
I, I wish I could be strong without somebody there. 
I, I wish I got to dance on a single prayer. 
I, I wish I could be strong without the scheiße, yeh. 

Oh oh oh oh oh. 
Without the scheiße, yeh. 
Oh oh oh oh oh. 
Without the scheiße, yeh. 
Oh oh oh oh oh. 
Without the scheiße, yeh. 
Oh oh oh oh oh. 
Without the scheiße, yeh. 

I don't speak German but I wish I could 

Isch lieben aus tubikler, 
E a kat mi madre monster, 
Alsch bi auschke wie falugen, 
Bigon bi uske mugler. 

Isch lieben aus tubikler, 
E a kat mi madre monster, 
Alsch bi auschke wie falugen, 
Bigon bi uske mugler. 

Love is objectified by what men say is right 
Scheiße-scheiße be mine, 
Wünsche be mine (Wünsche be mine) 

But high-heeled feminists, tell lessons far from this 
Express your woman-kind 
Fight for your right (Fight for your right) 

When I'm on a mission 
I rebuke my condition. 
If you're a strong female, 
You don't need permission. 

I, I wish I got to dance on a single prayer. 
I, I wish I could be strong without somebody there. 
I, I wish I got to dance on a single prayer. 
I, I wish I could be strong without the scheiße, yeh. 

Oh oh oh oh oh. 
Without the scheiße, yeh. 
Oh oh oh oh oh. 
Without the scheiße, yeh. 
Oh oh oh oh oh. 
Without the scheiße, yeh. 
Oh oh oh oh oh. 
Without the scheiße, yeh. 

I don't speak German but I wish I could. 

I, I, I, I, I, I 
I, I, I, I, I, I speak German 
I, I, I, I, I, I, but I can if you like 

I, I, I, I, I, I 
I, I, I, I, I, I speak German 
I, I, I, I, I, I, but I can if you like 

I, I wish I got to dance on a single prayer. 
I, I wish I could be strong without somebody there. 
I, I wish I got to dance on a single prayer. 
I, I wish I could be strong without permission, yeh. 

Oh oh oh oh oh. 
Without the scheiße, yeh. 
Oh oh oh oh oh. 
Without the scheiße, yeh. 
Oh oh oh oh oh. 
Without the scheiße, yeh. 
Oh oh oh oh oh. 
Without the scheiße, yeh. 

Isch lieben aus tubikler, 
E a kat mi madre monster, 
Alsch bi auschke wie falugen, 
Bigon bi uske mugler. 

Isch lieben aus tubikler, 
E a kat mi madre monster, 
Alsch bi auschke wie falugen, 
Bigon bi uske mugler. (uske mugler)

Bloody Mary 

Money, money, money, money 

Love is just a history that they may prove 
And when you're gone I'll tell them my religion's you 
When Punk-tius comes to kill the King upon his throne 
I'm ready for their stones 

I'll dance, dance, dance 
With my hands, hands, hands 
Above my head, head, head 
Like Jesus said 

I'm gonna dance, dance, dance 
With my hands, hands, hands 
Ands above my head, dance together 
Forgive him before he's dead because 

I won't cry for you 
I won't crucify the things you do 
I won't cry for you 
See when you're gone, I'll still be Bloody Mary 

We are not just art for Michaelangelo to carve 
He can't rewrite the argo of my furied heart 
I wait on mountain tops in Paris cold 
Je veux mourire tout seule 

I'll dance, dance, dance 
With my hands, hands, hands 
Above my head, head, head 
Like Jesus said 

I'm gonna dance, dance, dance 
With my hands, hands, hands 
Ands above my head, dance together 
Forgive him before he's dead because 

I won't cry for you 
I won't crucify the things you do 
I won't cry for you 
See when you're gone, I'll still be Bloody Mary 

GaGa, GaGa, GaGa, GaGa 
GaGa, GaGa, GaGa, GaGa 

Dum dum da da-da 
Dum dum da da-da, da-da-da da-da 
Dum dum da da-da 

Dum dum da da-da 
Dum dum da da-da, da-da-da da-da 
Dum dum da da-da 

I won't cry for you 
I won't crucify the things you do 
I won't cry for you 
See when you're gone, I'll still be Bloody Mary

Bad Kids

We don't care what people say, we know the truth 
Enough is enough of this horse shit 
I am not a freak, I was 

I'm a bitch, I'm a loser baby maybe I should quit 
I'm a jerk, wish I had the money but I can't find work 
I'm a brat, I'm a selfish punk, I really should be smacked 
My parents tried until they got divorced 'cuz I ruined their lives 

I'm a bad kid and I will survive 
Oh I'm a bad kid, don't know wrong from right 
I'm a bad kid and this is my life 
One of the bad kids, don't know wrong from right 

Don't be insecure if your heart is pure 
You're still good to me if you're a bad kid baby 
Don't be insecure if your heart is pure 
You're still good to me if you're a bad kid baby 
A bad kid baby 

I'm a twit, degenerate young rebel and I'm proud of it 
Pump your fist if you would rather mess up than put up with this 
I'm a nerd, I chew gum and smoke in your face, I'm absurd 
I'm so bad and I don't give a damn, I love it when you're mad 
When you're mad, when you're mad 

I'm a bad kid and I will survive 
Oh I'm a bad kid, don't know wrong from right 
I'm a bad kid and this is my life 
One of the bad kids, don't know wrong from right 

Don't be insecure if your heart is pure 
You're still good to me if you're a bad kid baby 
Don't be insecure if your heart is pure 
You're still good to me if you're a bad kid baby 
A bad kid baby 

I'm not that typical baby 
I'm a bad kid like my mom and dad made me 
I'm not that cool and you hate me 
I'm a bad kid, that's the way that they made me 

I'm a bad kid I'm just 
Give me your money or 
I'm a bad kid and I will survive 
One of the bad kids, don't know wrong from right 

Don't be insecure if your heart is pure 
You're still good to me if you're a bad kid baby 
Don't be insecure if your heart is pure 
You're still good to me if you're a bad kid baby 
A bad kid baby 

A bad kid baby 
A bad kid baby 
A bad kid baby

Highway Unicorn (Road To Love) 

We can be strong, we can be strong 
Out on this lonely road, on the road to love 
We can be strong, we can be strong 
Follow that unicorn on the road to love 

Run, run with the t- 

Run, run with the top down baby, she flies 
Run, run with the fury of the saint in her eyes 
Run, run hide your cha-cha, baby she goes 
With blonde hair and a gun smoking under her toes 

Ride, ride, pony, ride, ride 
Ride, ride, pony, tonight 

We can be strong, we can be strong 
Out on this lonely road, on the road to love 
We can be strong, we can be strong 
Follow that unicorn on the road to love 

I'm on the road, I'm on the road to love 
I'm on the road, I'm on the road to love 

She's just an American riding a dream 
And she's got rainbow syrup in her heart that she bleeds 
They don't care if your papers or your love is the law 
She's a free soul burning roads with the flag in her bra 

Ride, ride, pony, ride, ride 
Ride, ride, pony, tonight 

We can be strong, we can be strong 
Out on this lonely road, on the road to love 
We can be strong, we can be strong 
Follow that unicorn on the road to love 

I'm on the road, I'm on the road to love 
I'm on the road, I'm on the road to love 

Get your hot rods ready to rumble 'cuz we're gonna fall in love tonight 
Get your hot rods ready to rumble 'cuz we're gonna drink until we die 
Get your hot rods ready to rumble 'cuz we're gonna fall in love tonight 
Get your hot rods ready to rumble 'cuz we're gonna drink until we die

Heavy Metal Lover 

Heavy Metal Lover x12 
I want your whisky mouth all over my blonde south 
Red wine, cheap perfume, and a filthy pout 
Do not bring all your friends because a group does it better 
(White river, with ya dear?) let’s have a full house and leather 
Heavy Metal Lover 
Heavy Metal Lover 
Dirty (colony?) I can’t wait to hose you down 
You’ve got to earn your leather in this part of town 
Dirty paws and a patch for all the Rivington rebels 
Let’s raise hell in the streets, drink beer, and get into trouble 
Heavy Metal Lover 
Heavy Metal Lover 
I could be your girl-girl-girl-girl-girl-girl 
But would you love me if I ruled the world-world-world 
Heavy Metal Lover 
Whip me, slap me, drunk **** 
Me and (carpers dunk?) drunk 
Bud light liquors bar (?) 
Move if this is your (jerk?) 
Taste of heavy metal lovers play 
Baby we were born this way 
Heavy Metal Lover 
Heavy Metal Lover 
I could be your girl-girl-girl-girl-girl-girl 
But would you love me if I ruled the world-world-world

Electric Chapel 

My body is a sanctuary, my blood is pure 
You want me bad, I think you're cool 
But I'm not sure 

Follow me, don't be such a holy fool 
Follow me, I need something more from you 
It's not about sex or champagne, you holy fool 

If you want me, meet me at electric chapel 
If you want me, meet me at electric chapel 
If you want to steal my heart away 
Meet me, meet me baby in a safe place 
Come on, meet me in electric chapel 

Don't ask to me where you have been (next to the bar) 
Pray for your sins, right all the wrong (qu'est-ce que la foi?) 

Follow me, don't be such a holy fool 
Follow me, I need something sacred from you 
Together we'll both find a way to make pure love work in a dirty way 

If you want me, meet me at electric chapel 
If you want me, meet me at electric chapel 
If you want to steal my heart away 
Meet me, meet me baby in a safe place 
Come on, meet me in electric chapel 

If you want me, meet me at electric chapel 
If you want me, meet me at electric chapel 
If you want to steal my heart away 
Meet me, meet me baby in a safe place 
Come on, meet me in electric chapel 

Meet me, meet me 
Meet me, meet me 
Meet me, meet me

You and I 

It’s been a long time since I came around 
It’s been a long time but I’m back in town 
And this time I’m not leaving without you 

You taste like whiskey when you kiss me and all 
I’d give anything again to be your baby doll 
This time I’m not leaving without you 

You said sit back down where you belong 
In the corner of my bar with your high heels on 
Sit back down on the couch where we 
Made love for the first time 
And you said to me 

There’s something, something about this place 
Something about lonely nights and my lipstick on your face 
Something something about my cool Nebraska guy 
Yeah something about 
Baby you and I 

Been two years since I let you go, 
Couldn't listen to a joke or rock n roll 
Muscle cars drove a truck right through my heart 
On my birthday you sang me a Heart of Gold 
With a guitar humming and no clothes 
This time I'm not leaving without you 
Ohhh Ohhh 

Sit back down where you belong 
In the corner of my bar with your high heels on 
Sit back down on the couch where we 
Made love for the first time 
And you said to me 

There’s something, something about this place 
Something about lonely nights and my lipstick on your face 
Something something about my cool Nebraska guy 
Yeah something about 
Baby you and I 

VERSE 3 : 
You taste like whiskey when you kiss me oooh 
I’ll give up anything again to be your baby doll 
Yeah this time I’m not leaving without you 

You said sit back down where you belong 
In the corner of my bar with your high heels on 
Sit back down on the couch where we 
Made love for the first time and you said to me, 

There’s something, something about this place 
Something about lonely nights and my lipstick on your face 
Something something about my cool Nebraska guy 

Yeah something about, baby you and I 
You and I 
You, you and I 
You, you and I 
You you and I 
You and I 
You you and I 
You you and I 

[Piano solo] 

You said sit back down where you belong 
In the corner of my bar with your high heels on 
Yeah you like the red ones 
Sit back down on the couch where we Made love for the first time and you said to me, 

There’s something, something about this place 
Something about lonely nights and my lipstick on your face 
Something something about my cool Nebraska guy 
Yeah something about 
Baby you and I 

You and I 
You and I 
You you and I 
You you and I, I, I 
You and I 

You you and I 
You you and I 
You you and I 

We got a whole lotta money, but we still pay the rent, 
‘Cause you can’t buy? a house in heaven, 
There's only three men I will serve my whole life, 
It's my daddy, and Nebraska and Jesus Christ 

There's something, something about the chase. 
I'm a New York woman born to run you down, 
Still want my lipstick all over your face. 
There's something, something about just knowing when it's right 
So put for drinks up for you, for you, for you 
I love you, 
You and I 

You you and I 
You you and I 
I'd rather die 
Without you and I, I, I 

You and I 
You you and I 
You you and I 
You you and I 

Oh I, 
I'd rather die 
Without you and I 
You you and I 

It's been along time since you came around 
Its been along time but I’m back in town 
And this time I’m not leaving without you

The Edge Of Glory 

here ain't a reason you and me should be alone 
Tonight yeah baby, tonight yeah baby 
I got a reason that you should take me home tonight 

I need a man that thinks it's right when it's so wrong 
Tonight yeah baby, tonight yeah baby 
Right on the limit's where we know we both belong tonight 

It's hot to feel the rush 
To brush the dangerous 
I'm gonna run right to, to the edge with you 
Where we can both fall far in love 

I'm on the edge of glory and I'm hanging on a moment of truth 
Out on the edge of glory and I'm hanging on a moment with you 
I'm on the edge, the edge, the edge, the edge, the edge, the edge, the edge 
I'm on the edge of glory and I'm hanging on a moment with you 
I'm on the edge with you 

Another shot before we kiss the other side 
Tonight yeah baby, tonight yeah baby 
I'm on the edge of something final we call life tonight (alright, alright) 

Put on your shades 'cuz I'll be dancing in the flames 
Tonight yeah baby, tonight yeah baby 
It isn't hell if everybody knows my name tonight (alright, alright) 

It's hot to feel the rush 
To brush the dangerous 
I'm gonna run right to, to the edge with you 
Where we can both fall far in love 

I'm on the edge of glory and I'm hanging on a moment of truth 
Out on the edge of glory and I'm hanging on a moment with you 
I'm on the edge, the edge, the edge, the edge, the edge, the edge, the edge 
I'm on the edge of glory and I'm hanging on a moment with you 
I'm on the edge with you 

I'm on the edge with you 
I'm on the edge with you 

I'm on the edge of glory and I'm hanging on a moment of truth 
Out on the edge of glory and I'm hanging on a moment with you 
I'm on the edge, the edge, the edge, the edge, the edge, the edge, the edge 
I'm on the edge of glory and I'm hanging on a moment with you 
I'm on the edge with you 

I'm on the edge with you 
I'm on the edge with you 
I'm on the edge with you

credito:monster ball news